What is progress?

What is progress? Am I improving? Where do I go?

Some of our greatest minds lost their ways in the process of self-realization, stuck in a place where they have to constantly prove that they are worthy enough thus earning a right to exist. The endless search for approval could work as a barrier in their path. (isn’t it like licking your wound to heal it, but your tongue is too rough and ripping the surface again?) Don’t get me wrong: wanting to improve is a wonderful human trait. However it can be overdone in a way that eventually it might backfire and start poisioning. The engine for growing became corrupt and started handicapping itself.

Do you know someone like that? Think about what could be the cause?

Perhaps some undigested emotional charges from the past? Or is it the competitive individualistic culture of our time? The craving for constant growth? (But wait what If I don’t want to be a tumour)

What could help that person to outgrow their old habit? Is there a part of me which resembles that? How to heal it? Accept it? Integrate it? Can I contain my fears and desires? Do I have the capacity to hold my perfectly unperfect self? To treat every step of the journey as it is, leaving dualism of good & evil behind.

What is the barrier between me and my unleashed potential right now? What could be the next step towards this destination?